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BTS have worked hard to reach where they are, and it is fulfilling to see that their blood sweat and tears did not go to waste. They are amazing human beings, humble, loving and empathetic. All this because BTS is family, from the members to their staff, to their boss Bang Si Hyuk, they are family at the end of the day. BTS have reached where they are because their boss let them have the creativity to work on what stories they wanted to tell, and you can see the result. Quality music that transcends everything humanly possible. Four Years ago, Bang Si Hyuk wrote a letter to BTS.

“I won’t say that I am proud of you yet, because I’m a greedy person, lets hold onto that until the day, you become the best group in the world… on that day I’ll look each of you in the eye, and tell you personally from my lips, that I’m thankful that you stayed by me and for bringing me here and allowing me to dream. I write this on MAY 2016 a month before your 3rd anniversary, Bang Si Hyuk

Fast forward to 2020, 4 years later, BTS gave him that wish when they became the best group in the world! he is so proud of them, the 7 boys who did not believe in themselves sometimes, doubted if they would make it and even questioned whether they should go on with their music.

“In 2014 when we didn’t have anything to offer, Bang PD said ‘I considered you as Daesang-winning artists even before your debut, you will be the greatest group, I believe in you’.. we laughed a lot and thought he must be going through a tough time” – Namjoon

Bang Si Hyuk has walked with BTS in their journey and is now like a proud father watching his children graduate from school. We are happy that he did not give up on them or allow them to give up on themselves. He protected them from the beginning, when there were attacks on them or down right death threats, malicious rumors and allegations, he made sure that his boys felt safe and those who planned or were planning to attack BTS faced the consequences as laid out by the law.

He has held their hands, watched BTS grow, laughed with them and allowed them to be the best versions of themselves. We are grateful that such a boss exists as there is nothing as important to an artist like allowing their creativity and personality shine through and understanding that at the end of the day, the artist is human, and they too can have good and bad days. His support has been immense in bringing BTS where they are now, as artists and individuals.

Watch the wholesome conversation below

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