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BTS's Jung Kook Dominates Spotify with Top 5 Biggest Debut Weeks for K-Soloists

BTS's Jung Kook continues to set new records, now owning the entire top 5 biggest debut weeks for songs by K-soloists on Spotify. This remarkable achievement underscores Jung Kook's immense popularity and the powerful impact of his music on the global stage. With each release, Jung Kook has captivated millions of listeners, demonstrated his unparalleled talent and solidified his position as a leading solo artist in the K-pop industry. His success on Spotify highlights not only his individual prowess but also the unwavering support of his dedicated fanbase.

  1. “Seven” — 112.83M
  2.  “3D” — 54.08M
  3.  “Standing Next to You” — 50.81M
  4. “Left and Right” — 36.71M
  5. “Never Let Go” — 34.78M (NEW)

— “Dreamers” also ranks at #7 with 32M.

This milestone further cements Jung Kook's status as a trailblazer in the music world, and fans eagerly anticipate what he will achieve next. Jungkook’s “Standing Next To You” has now surpassed 680 million streams on Spotify, becoming the FASTEST solo song by a K-SOLOIST to achieve this! Also, it's Jung Kook’s 3rd song to reach this mark!

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