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“BTS’ work as ambassadors of peace and self-love is always ongoing. Two years ago, BTS were invited to the United Nations Assembly to speak about their ‘Love Myself’ Campaign, where Kim Nam-Joon delivered a powerful, heartwarming speech that resonated with every person around the globe. This year 2020 they will be going back to UNICEF on the 23rd of this month of September, to speak a message of Hope during this COVID 19- Pandemic that has caused a lot of loss and feelings of hopelessness. BTS have always been the champions for living life loving yourself which leads to loving others. They have spoken about positivity, healthy living and lifestyle, unconditional love towards self and learning to live with others selflessly.

When launching their worldwide ‘Love Myself Campaign’ BTS brought together a world that needed that precise message. Never have people needed to hear the words that they are enough and they can achieve anything they want, like right now. In this current world where technology has to some extent brought with it a lot of negativity and harm, the world needs healing.

Through their Music BTS speaks of self awareness of who you are as a person, first to your own self and who you are as a person to others. Love Yourself stems from the fact that society has filled people with so much expectations that we tend to feel like ‘you are not enough’ and feel the pressure to conform to expectations that can sometimes be unattainable.


Nobody expected that 2020 would become a dark year. BTS have said that they had made plans to tour the world and meet ARMY in 2020. But their plans had to come to an abrupt end. They have admitted to feeling devastated, angry, and even at times feeling down. So they can understand what everyone is going through and empathise with them. Their release of ‘Dynamite’ was part of their way to try and bring a bit of ‘Spring Day’ to a world that is ailing due to the worldwide disease that everyone is hoping will come to an end as soon as possible.

BTS have become a great influence not only to the youth but everyone regardless of country, language, race, color, gender identity or religion. In his speech RM spoke about ‘Speaking Yourself’ ‘What is your name?’ he asked. “Tell me your name” Loving others begins with loving yourself first. And there is no better time to reinforce that than at this time that the COVID 19 Pandemic is making people lose hope because of losses and heart breaks of the family unit.

“It is time to reimagine a better, fairer world” says UNICEF

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