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BTS sat down with Rolling Stone India and they had a chance to talk about everything from their experiences in life, memories of their childhood, their creative processes in album production to their thoughts about the future. J-Hope is an integral member of BTS, as dance leader he has a lot of stakes in the choreographies that they do, when he turns on his dance teacher mode, he gets pretty serious.

But members know that J-Hope has the best positive, bright personality. Jimin even says that J-Hope likes “Teasing his dongsaengs (younger brothers) and playing jokes. He has the brightest personality out of all our members, but he does have an unexpected timid side to him sometimes.” As much as he is bright and cheerful J-Hope has a serious take on what success means to him, he said on Rolling Stone IndiaRead Full Interview

Riddhi Chakraborty: “There’s a fascinating shift in how your music describes success over time. For me, a great example of this is the use of the lyrics, “I want a big house, big cars, big rings” which appear in three BTS songs over several years: your debut track “No More Dream,” “Home” from Map of the Soul: Persona and “Interlude: Shadow” from ​Map of the Soul: 7​–each used with different context. You’ve also done live performance versions of “No More Dream” that change the lyrics and omit the “I want.” How has your definition of success changed from when you debuted to now?”

j-hope: “When I was young, there were times when I thought debut was the meaning of success. When I first faced what I believe as ‘success,’ I found how lacking I was and that was the beginning of my journey of learning. Talking about success is a bit embarrassing, Because I’m still learning. Everyone has a different definition and standard for success. I find comfort in knowing that I will do my best to reach the level of success that I have set for myself. That is how I view success"

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