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BTS have been together for more than 7 years. That is a long time to live with the same people who were once strangers and now you cannot imagine life without them. Their relationships have grown through thick and thin, they have fought, made up fought with somebody else, made up again and learnt to accommodate each other’s feelings, emotions, beliefs and attitudes. Any relationship has its own challenges and I believe the more you spend time together, the more you really get to know someone. Jin has likened their relationship to that of having a wallet or mobile phone, you feel incomplete or nervous when you do not have it close to you.

V said that since they are always together, whenever one person falls, it takes the whole group to bring that person back up, they depend on each much as some bonds with each other are different, they are still as strong as any group of people who have learnt to coexist and seek each other’s’ warmth when the world gets cold.

That is why their music resonates so much, J-Hope only started rapping when he joined BTS, and he credits that to the fact the Suga and RM played a really big part in helping him along the journey of becoming the great rapper that he is today. Jimin consulted RM for advice when he was writing his song “Promise,” with the song “Stay” Jungkook said that RM was a great help, the list is endless with examples of how they are each other’s counselors, friend and teachers. Family dynamics vary, but one thing that always sticks the puzzle pieces together is understanding that each individual is different but each individual can always change what can be perceived as a weakness and turned into strength.

7 humans, who shared one room, became 7 humans sharing each other’s’ pain, laughter, success and satisfaction in what they do. We have watched BTS laugh together, we have watched them cry together, and that is what makes them such a strong force to be reckoned with. It is human nature to trust someone that shows you his/her emotions because you know that they can be real with everything they are feeling. In his interview with BTS’ online publication “Weverse Magazine” Jungkook talks about how much they have grown as the members of BTS and they have become a “legit” family  

Interviewer: “Speaking of growth, “Skit” was very memorable. You recorded it the day after “Dynamite” reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart and you, who talked about what you did before you became trainees in “Skit” in your debut album, talked about being first place on the Billboard Hot 100 this time around.”

Jung Kook: When I was a trainee, I saw the older members rapping and thought, “Wow, they’re so cool!” But now, after having spent everyday together, I’ve forgotten about all that. (laughs) Sometimes I see the lyrics they wrote, see them dancing and hearing the things they say on stage, and think, “Oh, right. That is the kind of person they are. They’re a lot different now.” You know how you don’t feel it when you live with your family, but if you can’t see them for a long time, you miss them. You might even cry. We’re a real family. Like, legit! (laughs)

Interviewer: “Maybe that’s the reason you set your goals so high. You seem like you have high standards and want to keep growing.”

Jung Kook: It’s like a foggy mountain top. (laughs) I can’t even see it yet. I actually understand my own problems well, so most of the time it’s okay. I can figure things out one at a time through experience instead of just looking for answers. I’m always growing and my personality changes, depending on my environment. I think I’ve learned to do things I used to find difficult by experiencing it little by little. There’s a lot of change. My voice has changed a lot; I grew taller and my frame and facial structure have changed, too. I could tell how awkward I looked at the beginning, but after a while, I think, “My gestures look better now, but I feel like my dance is too rigid.” And again after a while, “Now my dance is fine and my gestures are good, but I’m making awkward facial expressions.” And later, I say, “Now I got the facial expressions down, but, hmm, there’s no killer move.” (laughs) That’s how I slowly changed. And then my actions, thoughts, dreams, goals, what I value, what I want to do—all these things will change depending on the situation.

Interviewer: “How did the others respond to your song, “Stay”?”

Jung Kook: That song was originally meant to be on my mixtape. We planned to put a different song on the album, but after V heard it, he said, “This song that Jung Kook wrote is really good,” and then the other members all listened, said it was better than the other one, and somehow (laughs) “Stay” made it into the album. The message for the other song was also, “Even though we’re far apart, stay just where you are.” I wrote my song with the same theme so I loved that it was included in BE. At first, I wanted to talk about how we’re always together, using the English word “wherever.” I wanted to express how we’re always together no matter where we are, but Namjoon heard that and said “Stay” might be better. I liked his suggestion, so I changed it. He really helped me to organize my thoughts, since I’m not always good at writing everything I want to express.

Read full interview HERE

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