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RUN BTS Episodes are usually filled with chaotic fun and laughter, but once in a while the members will sit still, rarely, and focus on more serious matters. In last week’s show of RUN BTS episode 124. BTS members had to come up with ideas that would be incorporated and created as future RUN BTS Episodes. Each member discussed their ideas as some jotted down in their notebooks, well, except Jungkook who said that the members were talking a lot, so he was not able to jot down anything, but he still presented his ideas.

Suga is a deep thinker and always seems to internalize everything being presented and when he speaks about it, there is usually a tone of wisdom in every sentence. Random fun fact: Suga writes 200 to 300 sings in a year! that is how his genius mind works. He creates or speaks things with purpose and a point that no one would have thought. Among all the ideas presented, Suga had the most serious one.

Suga was first to present his ideas, his first idea was sports. He said “Considering the overall mood these days, I want to do a challenge. Sports. Something that we can play as one team. I want to try some team sports”

Though Suga did not elaborate further, his second idea was counselling. He said “We can do psychological counselling or mental analysis”

Jimin agreed with Suga saying that doing a mental analysis is a great idea

Suggesting “Psychological Counselling or Mental Analysis” just showed how much Suga thinks about the mental health of the members. BTS have each had moments where they have felt depressed suffered from anxiety and feelings of loss. The members have also spoken about mental health issues that have always featured in the messages of the songs that they produce.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly both Suga and RM spoke about mental health

SUGA: “We feel that people who have the platform to talk about those things really should talk more, because they say depression is something where you go to the hospital and you’re diagnosed, but you can’t really know until the doctor talks to you. “So I think for not just us but other celebrities,” he goes on, “if they talk about it openly — if they talk about depression for example like it’s the common cold, then it becomes more and more accepted if it’s a common disorder like the cold. More and more, I think artists or celebrities who have a voice should talk about these problems and bring it up to the surface.” Source

RM: “To talk about my personal case, my father developed a ringing in his ears (tinnitus) working for 25 years. He said that he wouldn’t feel any symptoms when he was concentrating on something or doing something that he enjoyed. But the symptoms would hinder his daily life when he was getting stressed or facing depressive situations. Anxiety, which turns into buzzing in the ears to someone, is like a shadow to me. It grows when my height grows, and it grows more at night. So I wouldn’t say that I am overcoming the ambivalent feelings on the other side of my mind, but it seems that every human being needs a resting place because he or she has to go with the inevitable solitude or darkness. The only resting place for me was music in the past, and luckily I chose it. I met good friends and succeed in my career and economically. So now, rather to become friends with the anxiety, I constructed many resting places such as collecting figures, buying clothes that I like, and going to random places and seeing how people live. I take a bus, get off at an unknown town, and realize that I’m not far from the world. It helps shorten the distance between me and the world. Then my anxiety gets dispersed.” Source

BTS Members themselves have also gone through moments of depression and anxiety especially during their debut days when they went through hardships as they tried to survive the media industry and the negativities that they received for no reason. In 2018 while BTS were receiving their MAMA Artist Of The Year Award, Jin revealed that they had been having a tough year that they even considered disbanding, but through the strength of all the members they got hold of themselves and continued to fight on.

MAMA 2018 Album of the year award speech

Recently this year, both V and Jin have separately revealed that they have had feelings of depression and fortunately they were able to work through them. V spoke about it on BTS’ online publication. Weverse Magazine about his process in writing the song “Blue & Grey” while Jin talked about it when he released his single “Abyss” just before his birthday through a letter accompanying the song.

V: “I wrote “Blue & Grey” when I was at my lowest point, when I was actually asking whether I could keep going with my work or not. Even the fun parts of work became a chore, and my whole life felt aimless. “Where do I go from here? I can’t even see the end of the tunnel.” Those kinds of thoughts hit me hard. There was a time I was going through something like this. I was having the toughest time, but I couldn’t keep carrying that feeling around with me. Instead, I could use it as a kind of fertilizer. So I took care of that feeling by constantly writing it down in my notes. I just kept writing everything down, and when finally I felt like I wanted to try writing a song, I did. After the song was finished, I felt a sense of accomplishment, and that’s how I was able to let go of “Blue & Grey.” That was one way I wanted to try getting over my problem.”

JIN: “Hello, this is Jin. “Not long ago, during a press conference, I said this “I don’t want to share my sad feelings with my fans. Because I want to show only good things. But if it’s music, the story is different. I don’t want to share it with my actions, but I think it would be okay to show it as music. In fact, there has been a big burnout recently, but I think it was because I had a lot of thoughts about myself. I ranked #1 in the Billboard Hot 100 and received congratulations from many people. Can I receive this? In fact, there are a lot of people who love music more and do better than me, but is it okay for me to receive this joy and celebration? As I went deeper, it felt like I wanted to put it all down because it was hard. After receiving counseling about this, I talked to Bang Pidi-nim, and he said, “Would you like to write this feeling in a song?” What if I don’t have confidence to make it well and the result is not good, I have already come to a position where I shouldn’t. That doesn’t matter to Bang PD. But if you do, you will surely do well, and he said he will find the right person for you.”

BTS have never shied away from talking about or singing about issues that may be too controversial or hard or sensitive, and they are not afraid of sharing their own experiences through the hard process and overcoming it.


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