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What Defines fandom Entitlement? Should idols set a Limit of What they Share with Fans? - ARMY TALKS


“After the pandemic broke out and things were tough because all our concerts got cancelled that was the first time I cried in front of my parents. I wanted to go perform and ARMYS were waiting for me, but we couldn't go anywhere so I cried and I slept in my parents room with them...”BTS SUGA

"I'm a complete broken record atp on this topic but I wish they would have shared more of this in the moment with us. I realize they were trying to be a happy spot, but for me it almost bordered on toxic positivity. Sharing the grief would've been more helpful for me." (Quoted response on what SUGA said)

The Replies on the tweet, the consensus is that ARMY is priviledged enough having the members being vulnerable and sharing their inner most thoughts and feelings. It is not a right, they DO NOT have to share anything with fans, but they do because they know so many people relate with the emotions that they go through.

“they don’t owe you or any of us anything and did you not know that BE album exist?”

“and demanding that bts show more vulnerability when they were mocked and denigrated to HELL for doing exactly that in the past few years is very telling of how little tact and empathy you have. they aren't your friends who could just freely share anything.”

“toxic positivity??? THEE BTS??? MY BTS BOYS WHO WEAR THEIR HEARTS ON THEIR SLEEVES??? “i wish they wouldve shared more of this in the moment w us” THEY DID THO??? SINCE 2020?? IN LIVES?? IN THEIR MUSIC?? and who tf are u demanding them to “share more” abt their personal grief???”

“are u out of ur FUCKING mind?? im a 2015 army & not just during the pandemic, the past 8 yrs that ive witnessed myself they've shared their most vulnerable moments. in their lyrics, during lives, concert ments, letters on fancafe, weverse or twt, docus, you NEVER paid attention.”

“You didn’t pay attention when they were telling us, I guess. Have you ever read their lyrics or watched the lives when they said they broke down bc pandemic was hard on them”

BTS preparing for their album "BE"

“Jimin merely cried during a concert and became a meme on stan twt and was dragged for months for being "too privileged to act like that" So no thanks.”

“yall do not need to know everything abt bts, BTS do not need to share their personal struggles with anyone and neither are they obligated and even if you did know what exactly were u gonna even do?”

“it would've been helpful for you but not for them. that's what the problem is. not everything is about you”

“It’s clear you didn’t listen to or understand BE because their lyrics talk about this stuff”

“bts' struggles are theirs. they don't have to share their PERSONAL hardships with us just cause stacie from twitter thinks that they could've related more with them if they layed it all out they share enough with us, let them have their space geez”

“Have you ever listened to them and their interviews during the whole BE era? Because they did share with us, and to add to that, they don't owe you anything, hope that's more helpful for you”

“Did you listen to BE? especially Blue & Gray and Dis-ease? Their speeches for MOTS ON:E and other interviews during the pandemic? They literally expressed countless of times how sad they were because the tour was cancelesld and HOW THEY CRIED, they mentioned that already 💀”

“Every single one of us process grief and negative emotions in different ways, you cannot ask that they should've shared what they were going through in real time. the least we can do it's accept that it happend and move on. This is simply not it, it is not our place to demand”

“Did you ever listen to Blue and grey or Fly to my room? You are upset they didnt explicitly say out loud their struggles but do you even listen to their song. What toxic positivity? They kept their private life away so what? Doesnt equal to spreading toxic positivity.”

“Sharing the grief would've been more helpful for me.” this isn’t about u stacie. bts are ppl before they’re idols. u are not entitled to view their personal struggles and grief just bc u think it would have been beneficial TO U.”

“I wouldve offed myself during covid if they didnt drop queen dynamite then they shared their grief and sadness with a whole ALBUM called be dk if u missed it... BTS are the only act in the world that thought abt their fans during the pandemic they flooded us with content”

“something to keep in mind is that people aren’t always ready to share how they feel right away. They didn’t share everything in the moment likely because they weren’t ready to or they just didn’t want to at the time.”

“this may come as a shocking revelation to you but guess what, stacie? they are living breathing people too, just like you. they do what feels best for them in the specific moment, just like you. know your place as a fan and stop demanding things from them”

“They can't have a camera on them 24/7 yk? They'd never be able to open up properly & let out their emotions & cry the way they need to knowing someone is literally recording them. At the end of the day, they're also humans so they deserve their own privacy, esp in these matters”

“Some things are too personal for Bangtan to share, and that's okay. We are not entitled to that. But it's strange you say this since BE actually does talk about personal things. Did you read the lyrics? Watch the MV's? Cause if you did, your perspective wouldn't be like this.”

“As much as i hope that youre doing better, they are not responsible for us or our feelings. Being dependant on them for constant emotional healing is unhealthy and ineffective bcz we all deal with things differently. Pls dont fault them for smth that is not their responsibility.”

“Everyone has the right to decide how we deal with our personal issues and with who we shared it and how much of it we shared so respect every person's boundaries. Also even if BTS always support us, is our emotional responsability to look for professional help when need it.”

“You have no right whatsoever to demand they share the struggles they've been through during that time. This also just shows how you most probably haven't listened to BE properly.”

“Firstly, You're not entitled to know their grief just to console yourself with it. And secondly they did share with their music aka BE album but y'all didn't read the lines ig? And plus Joonie did mention his hardship and got thrown under the bus for it. So save your crap”

“are you sure that we’re stanning the same BTS? the BTS who have said they didn’t want to express toxic positivity in any of their music because they understand that it’ll only make everything worse?”

“So we're just gonna forget the MOTS ON:E concert where Jimin broke down near the end and cried harder than we've ever seen him because he was so resentful of what the pandemic took from them? What about LGO or Blue & Grey or really ANY song from BE?”

“Blue&Grey is right there. The whole of BE. You can buy it any time, it’s on streaming platforms actually. And they HAVE talked about it so damn much especially during that time do u guys not pay attention to the boys? Are they just there for decoration?”

“People like you need to stop forgetting that BTS are people too and that they process their emotions like everyone else. They are not here to strictly be your emotional buddy or share personal moments just so you can feel better. You don't get to demand that from them.”

“You seriously need to understand that BTS share what they want to share with fans. They are personal when they want to be but you DO NOT get to ask them for emotions they aren't ready to bring up. He was with family when he needed to be, that should be more important to you.”

“toxic? positivity? yall learn a term and use it to death, huh? no one, including BTS, owes anyone any avenue into their own personal lives. let alone personal grief. hope this helps”

“Have you thought about what was helpful for them?? And they shared so much during the pandemic, they did let us know how they were feeling, maybe you weren't listening, BE album exists, jimin even cried in front of us, what are you talking about???”

“not to mention how genuinely insane it is to say that people not sharing their real time grief w you is "toxic positivity" this is also just entirely untrue?? they were always sharing how devastated they were abt it all and wrote an entire fucking album to express their feelings”

“BTS doesn't have to share EVERYTHING with us. And using the term "toxic" immediately follow by you asking them to help YOU when it was as hard as us for them is INSANE and actually the toxic thing. They're not your damn therapist”

“when some of y’all learn that bts don’t owe us anything, it’ll be a lot more sunshine and rainbows around here. they are humans first and foremost. they already share quite a bit with us. and THEY get to decide that. “toxic positivity” be so fucking real”

“Helpful for you but not for BTS. BTS aren’t your therapists AND we aren’t BTS therapists. Some of you expect the boys to tell all their suffering & stew over it & vicariously learn from them. You just want to use BTS to heal you at the expense of them disclosing personal feelings”

“fans aren't entitled to what artists/musician *must* share with them. BTS members will share what& when they are comfortable. they are human before idols. let's not be demanding for selfish reasons”

“the fact that they're sharing how they felt in such a dark time for them does not mean they're entitled to always doing that. bts have always been very transparent about everything but they wanted to make us feel happy & good which they succeeded in doing. they don't owe us shit”

“See and this is where y'all cross the line when it comes to BTS. You only think this way because BTS share so much with us otherwise you wouldn't have said this. There are songs like dis-ease that show you they were having a hard time as well. Watch what you say.”

“namjoon always tell us that they don’t even want to show us much of the recording process of their songs bc it’s not pretty and you would’ve wanted them to share this with us 🕴️”

“some of you don’t listen to bts when they speak and it shows”

“have u considered that they were most probably trying to lift themselves up from the slump too?”

“The audacity to want people to share their vulnerable/ sad moments on your terms. Do you see BTS as human beings?”

“some of you reek of entitlement. to infer that someone is contributing to toxic positivity solely bc they dont give you the ins and outs of their emotions, as they were experienced, is wrong. they dont owe you that.”

“they shared what they were comfortable of sharing in BE! you know their album BE?? & they owe u nothing stacie! u r their fan but u r a complete STRANGER to them why would they share their personal matters with u?? i cannot believe we have to literally say this to some of yall!”

“Stacie, girl. They owe you nothing. Absolutely nothing. You will take what you're given and shut tf up. Ooorrr...unstan🤷🏾‍♀️. you're fan,learn your place and act appropriately.”

“No bc this is such an insane thing to say bc the entire BE album exists, Jimin literally breaking down in tears on stage at MOTS ON:E concert exists, their live streams where they talked about being upset about the pandemic literally fcking exist, it’s never enough.”

“asides from the obvious “bts dont OWE us anything and arent obligated to share”….. bts Did share all of those feelings back then. said it in interviews, when they did lives, in the goddamn BE album.”

“jimin faced a hate train on here when he cried during the online concert because he was frustrated by the fact he couldn’t perform in front of his fans and do what he likes so idk where you were my friend”

“i became army in late 2020 so i dont know the full breadth of what bts spoke about at the time w army during the pandemic and so on. but like, the BE album? did you even listen to life goes on? blue and grey???? most of that album is emotionally charged. what more could you want?”

“you aren’t entitled to that. they can choose what they want to share with us and what they don’t. it’s not fair to ask so much of them when clearly these were very painful moments to experience”

“Toxic positivity”?? Do you hear yourself Stacie, do you hear how entitled you sound right at this moment. They shared what they felt comfortable sharing with us, and they definitely shared with us a lot, you maybe weren’t listening.”

“i want you to rethink what you just said. would you demand your close friends and family members that they should tell you they should share their struggles to you even if they are not ready to? no but that’s exactly what you are doing here.”

“even if be didn't exist, ur not entitled to that at all ?? how do u guys not understand the difficulty that comes w talking abt that period knowing thousands upon thousands of ppl are going to form criticisms and thinkpieces on ur own mental state”

“BTS have been the polar opposite of toxic positivity. yes, they made dynamite but also if you listen to the entirety of the BE album and watch the logs, read the interviews from Weverse, even the ments from the online concerts… they have always been very vulnerable with us. But they don’t owe us live reactions to their lives! If they decide to share with us, it’s because they’ve had time to process their feelings over time.”

“if you were actually around at the beginning of 2020, you would already know how transparent the tannies were from the cancellation of mots7 tour right up to ptd la. also, if u were normal, u would know that we are not entitled to deep, personal takes from the tannies??”

“They made a whole album about it Stacie you have joon on you avi did you not watch any of his lives especially the first one where he talked about how frustrated he was. They constantly talked about how upset they were. Blue and Grey, Fly to my Room. The interviews?”

“not to add to the ratio but are you simply basing this off dynamite? or did you take the time to delve into BE? perhaps their lives? how about some interviews??? did you watch mots on:e? did you see jm breakdown? what do you think all their efforts amounted to?”

“Y’all are so damn entitled. You’re not owed every tiny detail of their emotions or hardships. They’ve said MANY times how hard it was how badly they struggled. Just bcuz they don’t give you a play-by-play of every time they felt upset about it doesn’t mean it’s toxic positivity🥴”

“why do you feel entitled to their grief?? are you fucking hearing yourself? you want them to perform their raw emotions for your consumption instead of allowing them room to process it first themselves??”

“at some point you have to realise that bts do not make music to please you and you only. also, trying to cheer armys up = toxic positivity?”

“despite them not owing you anything stacie, they did share with us if you bothered to listen to BE .. what else did you want from them?? for them to have a  breakdown on vlive or something?”

“Bts shared those thoughts and feelings with us when they felt ready to. They shared those feelings even in MOT7 online concert. It was obvious they were upset w the circumstances”

“they did tho. You just didn't watch This was right in April back then when the pandemic just started for them since Feb it's hilarious to me most of the time yall say they didn't do things, it's actually being yall didnt watch what they put out nor did yall remember it”

“geez now why didn’t Bangtan process and publicise THEIR grief based on what’s best for you 🫤 you know, besides all the very many ways they did kinda share their thoughts but sorry it wasn’t the way you would have liked it instead of what was best for them.”

“bts postponed their military and created an album when they’re burnt out, just to make sure that armys were happy and healthy during the pandemic but you got fuck ass Stacie here thinking that’s not good enough 🤨”

“there was 1 happy song on BE the Album was sad as fuck. Did you watch their Lives during the pandemic? Or in the Soop S1? They all have been devastated, you just want them to overshare their private lives. It was obvious, that they really had a hard time.”

“BE it's right there, so are the vlogs & interviews of that era”

“Also, it's amazing the entitlement some of you feel over the boys, you just /ache/ to see them suffering to make them more relatable to your own experiences”

“They released BE, they talked with a lot of vulnerability about their struggles during the MOTS:ONE concert, seokjin released Abyss during that time... all that while they didn't even owe us anything.”

“saying this nicely, but none of us are entitled to bts’s personal life or feelings, and we’re lucky that they let us in on so many things as it is . bts r humans too :/”

“i want u to rewatch dinner where jimin cried and said that it was so hard bc they couldn’t share. it was weighing on him. plus it was something they wanted to share but couldn’t. where do u know they wanted to share their feelings during those times”

“you all piss me off so bad because i remember it so clearly during the entire 2020 bts did a lot of content and lives and they did infact mention how hard it was for them too how frustrated they were and in the one online concert jimin even cried expressing how frustrating it was for them . i hate people like u so bad u literally dont remember jack shit and wanna twist the whole narrative so bad . yet despite them having their hard times they still did lives and content for only us just so we having something to look forward to in our hard times and they dont owe you shit they dont owe u to share their feelings at fucking all”

“I followed all their vlives last year ... have you not? I am a 2021 Army,but BE holds such a special place for me that I really want to get that album. Have you heard BE? What is known as a Pandemic Album”

“bts do not owe u their negativity or positivity point blank idk who y’all think u are and I’m not gonna justify bts to u on their behalf”

“a whole BE exists.... I even had to go through the heartbreak of seeing jimin breaking down at the mots one concert....”

“So the general grief of the world during the pandemic wasn’t enough?: How would their personal  grief be helpful to you. Stop having parasocial relationships with celebrities sadness and depressions.”

“I keep coming back to this tweet because.... 😭😭😭 I know we say things like "I found BTS at the lowest kinikan of my life" but, please... They have their own struggles and shouldn't have to perform it to slake whatever perverted wish you want. Be is proof of all they went”

“You have no right to demand that they share their struggles with anyone. You need to take a step back from whatever this is thay you feel so dependent on them emotionally and mentally. You have no right at all. Not even that, but we ALL knew everyone was having a hard time regarding tours getting canceled and everything coming to a stop, I think we even put a hashtag up for the guys to not be sad if I remember correctly”

“were you even here in 2020? bec they talked about the pandemic in lives and different content and be was about their struggles during that time.. and there's no such a thing as "toxic positivity" bec bts has always been honest with us and talked about what they went through a lot”

“i came back to this because i was thinking about how joon said he screamed and was so angry when their tour got canceled. how upset he was in mots7 behind video. how he didn't smile in his 200417 live on youtube and said the process of making BE is not pretty.”

“BE literally exists. Do we not remember Jimin breaking down in MOTS On:E and JK breaking down while reading his letter to us. Every interview from BE and thereafter talks about their experience. They don't owe you anything. Read lyrics, that's the bare minimum!”

“Another ridiculous trend of fans thinking they own the guys and what they do. Let me remind you that BTS are not our little “dolls” to do our bidding or have us speak for them.”

“were you even here during BE era? did you even take the time to listen to the album? watch mots on:e? watch their interviews and lives? cause all throughout the pandemic they shared their frustrations with us, to be specific they shared what they felt comfortable sharing with us”

“Don’t want to invalidate your feeling. Might I suggest u to listen to BE album with lyrics, watch ON:E concert till end, pay attention to run bts, some of them wasn’t really themselves during the pandemic. Everyone can decide what to share. Especially on screen.”

“1. the entitlement 2. you don't know them personally & they don't owe you their privacy 3. the fucking audacity when Mots on:e, BE, Face and parts of D-Day exist and not even mentioning the many lives 'toxic positivity' everyone process things differently & open up when they're ready”

“also it’s a fucking luxury that Yoongi shares this moment to us. BTS don’t owe us ANYTHING when it comes to their grief, yet they do so willingly and their terms. They’re lives are their own, not another bangtan bomb.”

“and when did we become so entitled to expect them to tell us everything abt their lives and feelings? to share their hurt so you feel better? bts aren't your therapists and to call their earnest effort to make us feel safe toxic positivity is so sad. please listen to BE.”

“Hell I wasn’t even here during the start of the pandemic where everything would’ve been getting canceled for them but when I came into the fandom BE hit me like a train bcs it was all the feelings I was trying to supress during 2020, B&G still makes me cry to this day”

“first of all you cannot expect them to share everything. and secondly they DID express they grief several times during lives, online concert ments, in the soop, BE ….”

“If they had shared any more grief I would have been boo hoo crying. They shared so much through their music and stories during this time. Like….it wasn’t all fluff and roses.”

“maybe if you actually bothered listening to them you’d know that jimin spoke up exactly about this saying that even well intentioned positivity might not come off well during that time so they shouldn’t make their music like that and DIDNT so never ever put words in their mouth”

“i’m so serious when i say a lot of weird in this fandom all points to entitlement”

“BE is like a physical proof of how they were feeling. An unplanned project released to show us a part of their grievings. And in midst of that they held on....they said life goes on. If you say that they never showed their sadness, it's like you're denying what they gave us”

“disagree. first off, they have the right to choose what they do and don't share. second... if you listened to anything they said during this time you would see how upset they really were abt the situation. they're not jsut gonna tell us "yeah we cried cause of this, it's hopeless”

“bts are not required to share their hard moments of grief with the entire world. would you do that? it is not toxic to keep some moments to themselves. but ur acting like they didn’t share anything. they definitely shared a lot!”

“the entitlement is ridiculous, why should bts hurt themselves to pacify you?”

“Some of ya'll think y'all are entitled to know every thing that happen in bts lives , know your place”

“regardless of their reasons for trying to remain largely positive for us (though i will say they were in fact vulnerable n open w us ab their feelings many times), please recognise you are not entitled to their sadness/personal feelings unless they choose to share it”

“They did share their feelings with the Be album. Blue & Grey is one of those songs. What Yoongi shared with us on Suchwita was deeply personal, he told us at a time he deemed appropriate for himself. Also, they are not our therapists, them helping us is not the requirement. As the positive attitude they took at the time, I will forever be grateful!  It was probably something they also needed themselves to push through those hard times. Let's not be selfish!”

“Like if there’s one thing about bangtan sonyeondan it’s that they don’t ever ever partake in toxic positivity and that’s why a lot of us who have mental illnesses and struggles find them comforting… cause they get it, they always have and always will. Unstan.”

“This is why the tannies don’t really share the hard moments with us, because you take something that’s painful and sad to them and make it your sadness and pain. Just take what they say as they say it, there’s no need to put your two cents into it.”

“When BE literally exists? When Seokjin literally made Abyss? Did you even check the lyrics? They're not obligated to share their PERSONAL griefs, but they still share it little by little through music, if only you'd pay more attention to their songs & interviews, you'll know🤷🏻‍♀️”

“they don’t owe us that type of intimacy. bts has shared so many deep emotions with us. and they’re extremely brave and strong for trying to be a source of happiness for us when the world was so bleak, can you not just appreciate that they’re open about it now as we heal?”

“you claiming to be a broken record on this topic has me asking if nobody has told you before this just how selfish & entitled it is to demand vulnerability & total honesty from bts about their personal struggles & emotions at the time that you want it, just so you can feel better”

“The tannies are not obligated to tell you everything nor do they owe you sht. Know your place as a fan. Acting all entitled and demanding doesn't get you anywhere. Looks like you never listened to BE.”

“demanding showing vulnerability on social media like you’re entitled to their inner thoughts and feelings is so manipulative. they wanted to be there for armys and have fun but you’re saying they’re not genuine?? lgo mv and be is centred around the pandemic…”

“they are not obligated to share everything with us and y’all have no right to demand sht from them regarding their struggles or literally anything else. they are allowed to deal with their grief however they want. “toxic positivity” like dpmo and keep them out of ur mouth.”

“This take is ridiculously entitled too… cause no one owes you their grief process… no one owes you a step by step illustration on how they processed their grief to feel better, you aren’t their therapist, family or friend… you are a mere fan. Never forget that.”

“it isn’t abt you tho… they weren’t comfortable then, it’s so vulnerable that yoongi’s even sharing this now. he doesn’t have to. they can keep as much private as they like. i barely share my own problems w my fam & friends (to not burden them) let alone ppl idk personally”

“How can it be bordered in toxic positivity when they've shared and expressed themselves during that time period. Till today the boys are still sharing what they've experienced since then. Especially on BE”

“Do you guys have any idea of how entitled and insensitive you sound when you say sht like this💀😭”

“Except they made a whole album about their feelings and one member even cried during ending ments during MOTS:One, please be serious and get rid of this entitlement. We’re extremely lucky that they share with us what they already do.”

“bts' emotions aren't a commodity you are entitled to”

“Toxic positivity is a very bold accusation. They did not invalidate us and force us to smile. They put a brave face for us and gave us their best foot forward. We should know our place as fans they owe us nothing we are privileged to even be invited to their thoughts”

“army's dont say "you're music saved me during pandemic" just for the aesthetic and talking like bts didn't release a whole BE album with all its lyrics just for you to go ahead and say all these”

“If you only heard positivity, you weren’t paying attention. They did not give us BE for someone to accuse them of toxic positivity. Ugh. They don’t owe you their pain. And it’s offensive to invalidate the pain they did share.”

“They coped how THEY wanted to cope and if they wanted to be positive for us then that's their decision, i dont really think its your place to criticize them for that. Also imo they were very open and honest about their struggles, just listen to BE and their interviews.”

“They don't need to share their private feeling with us as it is happening. We're only now learning about the severity of the situation bc ONLY NOW they feel comfort letting us know about this”

“‘would’ve been more helpful for me’ okay and? what about THEM. they’re human fucking beings too; who have a right to process emotions privately and not share shit w anyone. not to mention have you even listened to the lyrics in the BE album?”

“You don't hear the boys ever, do you? How many times have they mentioned they share their emotions, heartache, internal struggles with us AFTER they have moved past it? Where TF is this level of delusional entitlement coming from?”

“well, i think they share what they want to share. they don't owe you anything. and considering how open bts have been in the past, they actually shared A LOT how the pandemic affected them. they don't have to explicitly say: "I/We cried." for you to know it affected them.”

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