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"It’s no big deal" by V, a Poem to His BTS Members


V's poem "It's No Big Deal" stands as a touching tribute to the enduring friendship and camaraderie shared within BTS. Through heartfelt verses, V celebrates the bond that unites the members of BTS, reminding both his bandmates and fans alike of the power of genuine connections and shared experiences. V's poem delves into the theme of friendship, emphasizing the importance of genuine connections and shared experiences. Through evocative verses, he celebrates the bond that unites the members of BTS, transcending the boundaries of fame and success. 

"It's No Big Deal" reflects V's humility and down-to-earth nature, despite the group's global acclaim. His words convey a sense of humility and gratitude, reminding both his bandmates and fans alike of the value of staying grounded amidst fame and recognition. V has a verse for each member telling them that no matter what they do or their experiences, it's no big deal, he will always support them and cheer them on

V explains why he wrote his poem.  He read the poem to BTS while at camping in their RUN BTS Episode 56 in 2018. "What I can say to you guys when we sometimes struggle was only ‘it’s no big deal’ (Lets overcome tough times saying that ) I wanted to remind you of the meaning of the phrase again”


It’s no big deal


Don’t be sad when you make a mistake while dancing

It’s no big deal

You just don’t have to make the same mistake

Cheer up, cheer up


Don’t panic after blowing a kiss

It’s no big deal

Your blowing a kiss

Makes ARMY’s hearts flutter

Pond, pound


You want to be a stone in your next life, don’t worry

It’s no big deal

I’ll bring you to a lot of beautiful places

Stone, stone


You give us a scary look

When we make a mistake on stage

Don’t do that

It’s no big deal

A slip of a wise man, everybody makes mistakes

Understand with a warm smile

Bbooing, bbooing


Because of a diet and singing out of tune

Or making a mistake on stage

Don’t be stressed out

It’s no big deal

No matter what you do on stage

It won’t change the fact that

You’re the coolest performer I’ve ever seen

Gasp, gasp


Stop exercising to tease us more

Its no big deal

The more you act cute, the cuter you look

You’re not cute anymore

Coochie, coochie coo

It’s no big deal

Within the lines of the poem, V shares personal anecdotes and reflections, offering glimpses into his journey alongside his fellow BTS members. Through heartfelt storytelling, he invites listeners to connect with the sincerity and authenticity of his experiences. V's poignant poem has resonated deeply with both BTS and their dedicated fanbase, known as ARMY. The heartfelt sentiments expressed within "It's No Big Deal" have strengthened the bond among the members of BTS, fostering a sense of unity and solidarity within the group.

Drawing inspiration from his own experiences and observations, V crafted "It's No Big Deal" with heartfelt sincerity and authenticity. His creative process reflects the collaborative dynamics within BTS, where members freely share their thoughts and emotions to create meaningful art.

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