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BTS have released their new Album “BE” which is their first self-produced album that all the members were involved in from the start to finish. They all have songs that they have cowritten and songs where all the members contributed to the same song. “BE” album is a sort of comforting gift that BTS set to give to the world at these harsh times where a lot of people feel claustrophobic and locked in, where you wonder what do you do with your life now that you are indoors with little to do. 

“BE” is that consoling friend that will sit with you and just listen to you talk about your frustrations, anger and loss of hope without judging and interrupting, then give you a warm cozy hug and tell you ‘it is going to be okay’. BTS have been doing interviews on their online publication “Weverse Magazine” talking about issues close to their hearts sharing their true feelings, about their new album and life in general. Jin talked a lot about his process in writing the song “Stay” and his feelings about not being able to perform with ARMY.

Interviewer: “You worked on the lyrics for “Stay.”

Jin: The song opens with the words, “Was it a dream?” and I came up with the theme. We used to see our fans and it was great, but now that’s something we can’t do anymore. I thought it all felt like a dream. I wanted to say, “We used to be so happy together, but now I feel like your very existence was a dream.” I came up with the intro and then talked about it with RM. He really helped me a lot.


Interviewer: I’m guessing you came up with the lyrics because of COVID-19.

Jin: It was around two to three months ago that I wrote the lyrics for the song, when it seemed like COVID-19 wasn’t getting any better. I want to put on another concert, and, like I said, it feels like my memories of ARMY were all a dream: Ah, they always used to be there with us, and then they disappeared like a memory—was all that a dream? Will we ever meet again? Those kinds of thoughts.

Interviewer: “Just as you did, the other members also expressed on BE their feelings of what they’ve been through. Other than “Stay,” what other songs did you relate to?

Jin: “I didn’t really think about which songs I relate to, but I can tell you which song I like the most: “Blue & Grey,” by V. I liked that song from the very first time I listened to it, so I listened to the demo over and over again…”

Read the full interview HERE.

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